this daywe'llintroducing iPad Pro to you, the iPadProcome back from Apple. it's have nice perfomance
picture and new processors.iPad has always been uniquielyimmersive. to amplify
picture, to put it ona way larger scale, Apple deigned iPad Pro. it begins with a 12.9inch Retinashow onAN iPad that remains remarkblyskinnyand light-weight. 78p.cadditional screenspace.iPad Pro notsolelytranforms your viewingexpertise, it enables newways that ofmaking and sharing.
To give Multi-touch alarger level ofexactitude, Apple completely re-englineered thebitscheme. increasing the sensitivity of the sensors and
doubling the touch refresh's actually the most advancedshow we'vecreated. and with 5.6 milion pixels, it hasthe best resolution of any iOs device. this isthe primary iPad to automaticallychangethe amount of times theshow isreinvigoratedrelying uponwhat is on the screen.
this leads to greater energy efficencyand therefore the all day battery lifeyou'd expect. drivingit'shight level of
performance is the powerful A9X was specifically designed for iPad Pro
andto fulfillthe stress ofa way largershow. it's size let you do and see more. and it's
precise Multi Touch technologypermits for newstyles ofinputwhereas enhancing the capabilities of iOSnine.
to producean upscale audioexpertiseinside this device'sskinny profile meant delelopinga completely new four speakerdesign. for the first time, the speaker housing is
machined directly into the unibody enclosure and sealed with a carbon fiber
cap. it's four speaker give iPadprofessional a powerful acoustic output and
dynamicvary thatwaysupasssesit'size.
with peoplemistreatment iPad inadditional andin severalways that, Apple want to enchanceit's flexibility. todo
this Apple has delelopeda replacement's magnetic contacts
realy both power andknowledge, bidriectionally. so youwillsimply connect comaptible accessorieswhile notthe necessity for Bluetooth or batteries.
iPad Proallows tools and intereactions thatsimply haven't beenpotential before. iPad continues to transform
themeanswe have a tendency to do things.our goal in designing iPadprofessional was to engineer a devicethat permitsyou
are doing beadditional productive andadditionalinventive ata completely new scale.
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